AP 402

Professional Development - Teachers


The purpose of this procedure is to encourage teachers in the Abbotsford School District to maintain and update their professional qualifications. This section covers credit and non-credit courses.


1. Definitions

  • 1.1 Professional development is defined as any activity or event at which teachers can:
    • Update their professional knowledge or expertise
    • Stay informed of developments in teaching skills and strategies
    • Receive information on changes in education philosophies and practices

2. The Board contributes to a credit/non-credit fund, which will be administered by a Joint Committee established by the Superintendent. This fund will help determine legitimate teacher expenditures incurred in maintaining and upgrading professional qualifications. It is not designed to cover all expenses.

3. Administration of Credit/Non-Credit Course Funds

  • 3.1 A Joint Committee consisting of three members appointed by the Superintendent and three members of the Abbotsford District Teachers’ Association will allocate the funds as determined by the collective agreement.
  • 3.2 Assistance will be given to teachers attending credit and non-credit courses in areas that will provide a direct benefit to student learning and upgrade their professional qualifications. A ‘course’ must be at least 15 hours in duration to qualify for funding.
  • 3.3 Application for funds will be made directly to the Abbotsford District Teachers’ Association upon completion of the course. Receipts and documentation must accompany all applications.
  • 3.4 For the purposes of this procedure, the year begins July 1st and ends June 30th.
  • 3.5 Teachers will be given one-half of their tuition for any course to a maximum amount per person, which will be determined annually by the Joint Committee.
  • 3.6 Any unused funds will be distributed on a pro-rated basis to teachers granted funds for credit or non-credit courses, through a formula to be determined. Any surplus funds remaining at the end of the year will be carried forward into the following year.

Last Revised: May 2013