AP 318

Student Dress Code and School Uniforms


The Abbotsford School District is committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment that promotes the dignity and respect of all students. We recognize that students have the right to express themselves through their clothing and appearance, and that dress codes can impact students differently based on their gender, race, religion, culture, and sexual orientation. As such, our dress code policy is designed to be inclusive and equitable for all students. This procedure provides a framework through which Abbotsford public schools will engage with students, families, and staff to develop a school dress code or school uniform policy.


1. The district expects that students will demonstrate their commitment to a safe and caring school environment, and respect the personal and cultural identity of others, by presenting themselves in an appropriate manner for school.

2. School Uniforms:

2.1 A school uniform is a prescribed dress requirement for students at a particular school. The requirements can range from a specific style and/or colour, to standards for colours and/or materials that may be met within broad limits. For additional information on school uniforms, please refer to item 4 in this administrative procedure.

3. Student Dress Code

3.1 The principal, in consultation with students, families and staff, will establish guidelines for reasonable dress codes within individual school learning communities, and ensure that they are aligned to the principles outlined in the administrative procedure.

3.2 Students are expected to adhere to specific school standards of dress.

3.3 A student’s appearance or mode of dress will not be permitted to disrupt the educational environment or threaten health or safety.

3.4 School dress code policies should not disproportionally attempt to manage the clothing choices of young women, or place blame for the actions of others, on a young woman.

3.5 School dress code standards include, but are not limited to:

  • wearing apparel that is safe for the student and others participating in any school activities.
  • avoiding attire that may cause excessive wear or damage to school property.
  • avoiding attire that promotes hate or the diminishment of others based on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as well as the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gang affiliations

3.6 In the event that a student is dressed in a questionable manner, the principal or vice-principal will work with the student to address the manner in a way that maintains the student's dignity.  The principal or vice-principal may require the student to change their clothing to meet school standards.
Note: jewelry, hats, and tattoos are considered attire.

4. Implementation of School Uniforms

4.1 Where there is parental interest, and upon written request from the PAC, the principal shall hold a referendum of the entire parent community of the school.

  • 4.1.1 The following requirements must be met:
    • One vote for each student enrolled at the school (with the exception of the senior grade students who are transitioning to a new school location) shall be allotted to the parents/guardians.
    • When at least 75% of the eligible votes cast in a school are in favour, the principal will work with the school’s PAC and student representatives to implement a student uniform dress code.

5. Student Uniform Dress Code

5.1 In developing a student uniform dress code, the following guidelines will apply:

  • 5.1.1 The principal may make accommodations for students who are unable to fully participate in the school’s dress code.
  • 5.1.2 The school will identify alternative options for those students who choose not to participate in the school uniform dress code.
  • 5.1.3 The principal or vice-principal shall accommodate the religious convictions or beliefs of students who prescribe the type or manner of their dress.
  • 5.1.4 The principal or vice-principal may recommend special assistance if a student cannot afford prescribed garments.

Draft June 2023 | This Administrative Procedure is currently in draft form. If you would like to submit feedback for consideration please email info@abbyschools.ca.
